Course List
Explore our full list of courses to find the training you need. Upcoming training dates are listed at the bottom of each course description.
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- Advanced Cryptocurrency Investigations
- Advanced Narcotic Operations
- Advanced Undercover Techniques for the Narcotics Officer
- Basic Narcotics Investigator
- Basic Undercover Techniques for the Narcotics Officer
- Bulletproof Mind
- Cell Phone Investigation Techniques
- Cellebrite
- Cryptocurrency Investigations
- Current Heroin Threat
- Dark Web Investigations
- Dark Web, Crypto, & Metaverse Challenges for Law Enforcement
- Detecting Misleading Behaviors
- Domestic Terrorism
- Drafting Narcotic Search Warrants
- Drug Identification
- Drug Interdiction and Conducting the Complete Traffic Stop
- Financial Planning
- Firearm Trafficking & Illicit Trade Arms Investigations
- Human Trafficking
- Interview and Interrogation for Law Enforcement (Advanced)
- Interview and Interrogation for Law Enforcement (Basic)
- Law Enforcement Intelligence
- Leading and Managing a Task Force Unit
- Low Light Tactical Training
- Managing Narcotics Informants
- Metaverse, Blockchain, and Web 3.0 Challenges for Law Enforcement
- Mexican Drug Cartel Investigations
- Middle Eastern Intelligence
- Mid-Level Narcotics Investigations
- Money Laundering
- Naloxone Administration for First Responders
- Naloxone Administration for Potential Bystanders
- Narcotics Enforcement and Trafficking Investigations in Hotels/Motels and Parcel/Freight Carriers
- NCTC Polygraph Program
- Open Source Intelligence
- Opioid Awareness Seminar
- Opioid Threat in the Community
- Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs
- Pennsylvania Overdose Information Network (ODIN) User Training
- Phoenix Training - Addiction and Connection to Treatment
- Physical Surveillance
- Role of the Undercover
- Senior Polygraph Examiner
- Social Networking
- Street Gang Investigations
- Tactical Narcotic Debriefings
- Tactics for Narcotic Warrants
- Technology Threats and Trends Against Law Enforcement
- Top Gun: Undercover Drug Investigations
- Trauma Management
- Undercover Management
- Vehicle Interdiction (Commercial)
- Vehicle Interdiction (Passenger)
- Video Surveillance Techniques
- Virtual Reality Training
- Weaponized Drone Threats: Extremist, Terrorist, and Cartel Overview and Response
- Woodland Tactical