Northeast Counterdrug Training Center

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Community Based Organizations Law Enforcement Support Counselors Military SF and MP only Attorneys Corrections Community Memebers Code Enforcement

Advanced Narcotic Operations

Covert operations are extremely unpredictable and have the potential to turn deadly in a split second. Many covert operations proactively target the worst criminals operating in communities by using undercover law enforcement officers or confidential informants. Unfortunately, the UC or CI often becomes the victim of a robbery, kidnapping, or other violent act. Initially, the UC or CI must aggressively fight or utilize stall tactics to save their life.

Bulletproof Mind

BULLETPROOF MIND is a presentation in which Lt. Col. Grossman presents a model for action that ensures professionals can train for and overcome the unique mental stressors of possible violence. Find out what to expect when your heart rate rises and blood drains from your face, and how to avoid it.

Current Fentanyl Threat

The current Fentanyl threat is being magnified by the use and abuse of Fentanyl. Fentanyl is quickly becoming one of the most dangerous and challenging drug-related threats to communities and law enforcement officers across the United States. This training course will focus on breaking down Fentanyl as well as the latest trends in packaging and distribution. An emphasis will be placed on how to prevent accidental exposure and possible overdose.

Detecting Misleading Behaviors

This course will provide law enforcement officers and military to detect misleading or deceptive behaviors in drug traffickers, and criminal suspects, whether in an interview or interrogation situation or a drug negotiation situation.

Domestic Terrorism

Participants in this course learn about domestic terrorist groups and how to recognize indicators relating to domestic terrorism. There has been a tremendous increase in narco-terrorism activities involving Transnational Criminal Organizations. These relationships will be explained, and investigative techniques will be discussed to assist in dismantling these organizations operating in communities across the United States. Students will explore law enforcement's roles and responsibilities in combating domestic terrorism.

Drug Identification

This presentation will focus on current trends in drug identification.  It will offer an in-depth look into the various types of drugs that are available on the street and over the counter and the new methods of use and trafficking.  It will examine how these drugs affect the body and how to recognize the use and abuse of these substances.  It will examine how these drugs are manufactured, processed, distributed, and marketed in society. 

This presentation will systematically look at all of the new trends that are occurring nationwide in the world of illicit drugs.  The PowerPoint program contains information slides, photographs, and short videos to allow participants to view the new substances that are currently being used across the United States.

Financial Planning

This course is a comprehensive guide to designing and funding law enforcement and community-based programs for beginners. The course provides hands-on instruction for the writing requirements of all typical sections of a federal or state grants aimed at law enforcement or non-profit entities. The course also provides instruction on where to find funding sources in both the public and private sectors.

Firearm Trafficking & Illicit Trade Arms Investigations

Gun crime suppression tactics are often conducted in a reactive manner by seizing firearms after a violent crime has been committed. Historically, firearms are also seized after enforcement activity related to narcotic operations. While these types of seizures are important, it has become increasingly necessary to proactive target criminals involved the illegal distribution of firearms.

In-depth case law will be presented covering the various state and federal firearm law violations that can be used to proactively target criminals. It is imperative that officers have a true understanding of the elements each firearm law offense to ensure a successful prosecution.

This two-day training course will focus on conducting controlled purchases of firearms utilizing confidential informants and undercover officers. The participants will receive information on various types of common street weapons, pricing, and possible modifications.

Human Trafficking

This course covers 16 hours of first-hand experiences and findings within organizations engaged in criminal activities supported by human trafficking. Human trafficking, smuggling, prostitution and modern-day slavery is in the United States and prospering with very little resistance. Every student will understand the immigration process and how it is being fraudulently abused. Students will be able to identify possible fronts located in their prospective areas of operation and will learn interviewing techniques and questions needed to identify, investigate, infiltrate and convict these organizations.

Interview and Interrogation for Law Enforcement (Advanced)

This course will build upon the training and experience of the students who have attended the Basic Interview and Interrogation course and/or have prior training and experience with interview and interrogation and need to increase their knowledge, skills and abilities. This course will review and confirm the knowledge and skills of basic interview and interrogation and provide additional tactics. Students will be immersed in practical role play interviews to receive experiential training and skills.