Northeast Counterdrug Training Center

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Law Enforcement Support Counselors Community Memebers Law Enforcement Community Based Organizations Health Care Professionals

Naloxone Administration for Potential Bystanders

Naloxone can be a lifesaving drug when administered in a timely manner to a person who is overdosing on opioids. Naloxone Administration for Potential Bystanders is a course designed to prepare any individual in the event they encounter an opioid overdose situation that requires immediate action. Students will be instructed on how to recognize an overdose, administering naloxone, performing rescue breathing, and what to do after the person has been revived. 

Narcotics Enforcement and Trafficking Investigations in Hotels/Motels and Parcel/Freight Carriers

This course focuses on hotel/motel and parcel/freight interdiction and provides an update on legal and constitutional issues related to each interdiction technique. Students will identify each of the seven exceptions to the search warrant rule with emphasis upon stop & frisk, search incident to arrest, probable cause, plain view, plain feel, inventory, and consent. The class will express a working knowledge of the parcel and freight carrier system and the labeling practices for each.

NCTC Polygraph Program

This course provides American Polygraph Association-accredited training in the field of forensic psychophysiology using polygraph techniques. The course provides current state-of-the-art training by practicing professionals and researchers in the forensic psychophysiological detection of deception field. The course is recognized by the American Association of Police Polygraphists and the National Polygraph Association, and exceeds the standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials.

This course is specifically for Law enforcement officers assigned to drug law enforcement, intelligence gathering, and/or investigation and suppression of terrorist activities.

Open Source Intelligence

This course is designed for criminal intelligence analysts, special agents, and other investigators. Students with any level of familiarity with the Internet and computers, from beginning to advanced, will find this course beneficial. Student will learn what information is available on various sites and how to integrate that information into criminal investigations and criminal intelligence analysis.

Opioid Awareness Seminar

The sudden rise in opioid and prescription narcotic deaths, both nationally and throughout the Commonwealth, has presented a unique challenge to local communities. The Opioid Awareness Seminar focuses on national, statewide and local trends relating to heroin, prescription opioids, and other opioid compounds. Overdose awareness, recognizing a potential addiction and community prevention/treatment programs will also be discussed providing a realization of how the opioid epidemic can affect the school environment and the community. 

Opioid Threat in the Community

The sudden rise of heroin and prescription opioid deaths, both nationally and throughout the Commonwealth, has presented a unique challenge to local communities. Opioid Threat in the Community, designed for educators, community organizers, and healthcare personnel, focuses on national, statewide and local trends relating to heroin, prescription opioids, and other opioid compounds.

Certifications: N/A

Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs

This course presents an historical perspective of early motorcycle clubs and their evolvement into today’s traditional outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMG). The historical perspective will continue with a discussion of each of the major groups. In addition, the students will be exposed to the current status of a large portion of clubs who operate in the northeast as well as a nationwide perspective.

Overdose Death Investigations

Drug-related overdose cases are increasing at an alarming rate across the United States. This course is designed to equip law enforcement with the tools necessary to successfully conduct and prosecute drug-related overdose cases.


Pennsylvania Overdose Information Network (ODIN) User Training

The Overdose Information Network (ODIN) is a Pennsylvania statewide overdose, naloxone administration and drug identifiable markings application for all PA law enforcement, first responders, and non-law enforcement agencies with a requirement to report on naloxone usage and overdoses within the Commonwealth. For law enforcement and criminal justice agencies, ODIN provides real-time intelligence on overdoses, seizures from those trafficking heroin, identifiable packaging, locations of incidents involving opioids, and other critical information needed from an enforcement perspective. Analysis of overdose and naloxone information within ODIN measure lives saved, geographic location of administrations, results of an administration, instances of multiple administrations to de-identified individuals, demographics of victims receiving naloxone, and much more.

Phoenix Training - Addiction and Connection to Treatment

Those enrolled in this course will learn the principles of trauma informed practices and how to have positive interactions with those suffering from substance use disorder. Practical skills such as engagement techniques, Naloxone administration and how to connect individuals to treatment options will also be taught. Those who complete this training will have a better understanding of the disease of addiction and how they can be part of someone’s recovery.