Northeast Counterdrug Training Center

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Law Enforcement Support Military SF and MP only Educators Attorneys Community Based Organizations School Staff Memebers Law Enforcement Undercover Businesses

Detecting Misleading Behaviors

In many instances, law enforcement officers have limited opportunities to interview witnesses to narcotic-related crimes or interrogate suspects that are under arrest. It is crucial that officers obtain a truthful and accurate account of what occurred. Officers must understand and identify when witnesses or suspects are being truthful or being deceptive.

Domestic Terrorism

Participants in this course learn about domestic terrorist groups and how to recognize indicators relating to domestic terrorism. There has been a tremendous increase in narco-terrorism activities involving Transnational Criminal Organizations. These relationships will be explained, and investigative techniques will be discussed to assist in dismantling these organizations operating in communities across the United States. Students will explore law enforcement's roles and responsibilities in combating domestic terrorism.

Drug Identification

Drug Identification is a critical tool that every law enforcement officer should know. Unfortunately, almost no police department in the nation provides a course-specific training in their academies for this pertinent investigative tool. This information is not just for the seasoned Detective or senior officer, but also for the new officer who has just begun their career. The ability to immediately recognize narcotics, their paraphernalia, cutting agents, and physiological effects in any situation allows the officer to conduct a thorough investigation and have success in arresting drug violators and seizing large quantities of drugs, firearms, and U.S. currency.

Drug Interdiction and Conducting the Complete Traffic Stop

This two-day course provides an in-depth look at the latest criminal patrol techniques being utilized by successful interdiction units. Students will be able to recognize potential criminal indicators and what these indicators could mean. The course will encompass the professional roadside interview and officer safety issues. Furthermore, staff will showcase the latest concealment methods used by drug trafficking organizations. Students will walk through each step, from the initial traffic stop to the post-seizure arrest.

Financial Planning

This course is a comprehensive guide to designing and funding law enforcement and community-based programs for beginners. The course provides hands-on instruction for the writing requirements of all typical sections of a federal or state grants aimed at law enforcement or non-profit entities. The course also provides instruction on where to find funding sources in both the public and private sectors.

Human Trafficking

This course covers 16 hours of first-hand experiences and findings within organizations engaged in criminal activities supported by human trafficking. Human trafficking, smuggling, prostitution and modern-day slavery is in the United States and prospering with very little resistance. Every student will understand the immigration process and how it is being fraudulently abused. Students will be able to identify possible fronts located in their prospective areas of operation and will learn interviewing techniques and questions needed to identify, investigate, infiltrate and convict these organizations.

Interview and Interrogation for Law Enforcement (Advanced)

This course is designed to complement and enhance the NCTC Behavioral Analysis/Interrogation training initiative. This course relies on participant interaction with peers and role-players to simulate the techniques and practices presented by the instructor. Students will be critiqued and analyzed through video-taped role-playing scenarios.

Interview and Interrogation for Law Enforcement (Basic)

This course will focus on providing law enforcement officers with the training needed for investigators to conduct court preferred interviewing and interrogation techniques. This course will teach methods to conduct non-verbal and behavioral analysis as well as verbal indicators that denote truth or deception. This is an entry level course designed for officers with little to no experience in the subject.

Law Enforcement Intelligence

Law Enforcement Intelligence is a crucial aspect to combating crime in the 21st century. Modern day technology continues to evolve; however, law enforcement has been behind the curve. Unfortunately, many law enforcement agencies are attempting to fight current criminal activities with outdated methods. This course is designed to help bring officers and investigators up to speed with new technology trends and give them practical/applicable tools to successfully conduct online investigations involving open source and social media. 

Leading and Managing a Task Force Unit

This course was developed to enable leaders—and developing leaders—of drug task force units to devise proactive strategies to improve the operation of their organization. The course will enhance their ability to supervise and lead a drug task force unit. The course is designed to provide guidance, share best practices, and elicit student participation.