Northeast Counterdrug Training Center

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Prosecutors - narcotics investigations First Responders Attorneys Law Enforcement Support

Bulletproof Mind

BULLETPROOF MIND is a presentation in which Lt. Col. Grossman presents a model for action that ensures professionals can train for and overcome the unique mental stressors of possible violence. Find out what to expect when your heart rate rises and blood drains from your face, and how to avoid it.

Financial Planning

This course is a comprehensive guide to designing and funding law enforcement and community-based programs for beginners. The course provides hands-on instruction for the writing requirements of all typical sections of a federal or state grants aimed at law enforcement or non-profit entities. The course also provides instruction on where to find funding sources in both the public and private sectors.

Money Laundering

The targeted focus of this course is to establish an understanding of how financial information and processes are directly related to money laundering. This class will then demonstrate how laundering factors into criminal enterprise, transnational crime organizations, drug cartels, region instability, armed conflict, terrorist organizations, insurgencies, destabilized countries, compromised democratic governments, and situational upheaval.

Naloxone Administration for First Responders

Naloxone can be a lifesaving drug when administered in a timely manner to a person who is overdosing on opioids. Naloxone Administration for First Responders is a course designed to provide the training any first responder carrying Naloxone is required to complete. Students will be instructed on how Pennsylvania is addressing the opioid epidemic, how to recognize an overdose, administering naloxone in three different forms, and compliance with PA Act 139.

Phoenix Training - Addiction and Connection to Treatment

Those enrolled in this course will learn the principles of trauma informed practices and how to have positive interactions with those suffering from substance use disorder. Practical skills such as engagement techniques, Naloxone administration and how to connect individuals to treatment options will also be taught. Those who complete this training will have a better understanding of the disease of addiction and how they can be part of someone’s recovery.

Tactical Narcotic Debriefings

This training course is designed to provide investigators with the skills necessary to obtain information regarding narcotics investigations through interviewing and interrogation in an ethical and legal framework. Investigators will learn the difference between interviews and interrogations, methods for establishing rapport, how to develop case-specific themes, proper room setup, the difference between an admission and a confession, and techniques to ensure the interview is conducted in a legal manner.

Technology Threats and Trends Against Law Enforcement

Technology saturates our everyday lives. Yet, so many technologies are being developed with the specific purpose of targeting police officers or hiding criminal activity. This is a unique and eye-opening class for law enforcement personnel who want to learn more on how technologies are being used (or misused) to commit crimes, avoid or detect investigations, and to conduct counter surveillance. However, not only will this class examine and demonstrate how individuals are misusing these technologies, it will also reveal simple, inexpensive ways to mitigate their success as well as provide some investigative tips.

Top Gun: Undercover Drug Investigations

Top Gun employs a mix of mediums to enhance learning. The course is built around a straight forward fact scenario. The student will hear lectures and mini-lectures from experts on both the legal principles and the practical aspects of the topics. Immediately following each lecture, students will participate in small group workshops, where they will have the opportunity to apply the fact scenario to the principles just learned.

Student selections are made by the sponsoring state agency, not NCTC.

Video Surveillance Techniques

This course is designed on the premise that participants have little or no experience with video. Students will be exposed to state-of-the-art video surveillance systems and will be offered the opportunity to use them in realistic “hands-on” scenarios.