Northeast Counterdrug Training Center

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Community Memebers Businesses Military - Intel only Code Enforcement

Interview and Interrogation for Law Enforcement (Advanced)

This course is designed to complement and enhance the NCTC Behavioral Analysis/Interrogation training initiative. This course relies on participant interaction with peers and role-players to simulate the techniques and practices presented by the instructor. Students will be critiqued and analyzed through video-taped role-playing scenarios.

Middle Eastern Intelligence

This interactive adult-learning experience will familiarize attendees with the history of the Middle East and the culture of regional peoples with special focus in Islam as a religion and as a way of life. According to Pew Research Center, Muslims are projected to be the fastest-growing major religious group in coming decades. Acknowledging a general lack of awareness among security professionals; information and knowledge will enable law enforcement to develop strategies that bridge the gap between misunderstanding and beneficial engagement with the Middle East community.

Naloxone Administration for Potential Bystanders

Naloxone can be a lifesaving drug when administered in a timely manner to a person who is overdosing on opioids. Naloxone Administration for Potential Bystanders is a course designed to prepare any individual in the event they encounter an opioid overdose situation that requires immediate action. Students will be instructed on how to recognize an overdose, administering naloxone, performing rescue breathing, and what to do after the person has been revived. 

Physical Surveillance

This five-day course is designed for law enforcement officers involved in the tracking and monitoring of suspects through urban, suburban, or rural conditions for the purpose of documenting activities and potentially interdicting upon these actions. The "hands-on" scenario based training course immerses the attendees into surveillance scenarios simulating street crime situations such as drug dealing, burglaries, robberies, and other crimes.