Northeast Counterdrug Training Center

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Law Enforcement Support Prosecutors Military SF and MP only Counselors Military - Intel only Community Memebers Corrections Educators Attorneys First Responders Military Intelligence

Opioid Awareness Seminar

The sudden rise in opioid and prescription narcotic deaths, both nationally and throughout the Commonwealth, has presented a unique challenge to local communities. The Opioid Awareness Seminar focuses on national, statewide and local trends relating to heroin, prescription opioids, and other opioid compounds. Overdose awareness, recognizing a potential addiction and community prevention/treatment programs will also be discussed providing a realization of how the opioid epidemic can affect the school environment and the community. 

Opioid Threat in the Community

The sudden rise of heroin and prescription opioid deaths, both nationally and throughout the Commonwealth, has presented a unique challenge to local communities. Opioid Threat in the Community, designed for educators, community organizers, and healthcare personnel, focuses on national, statewide and local trends relating to heroin, prescription opioids, and other opioid compounds.

Certifications: N/A

Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs

This course presents an historical perspective of early motorcycle clubs and their evolvement into today’s traditional outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMG). The historical perspective will continue with a discussion of each of the major groups. In addition, the students will be exposed to the current status of a large portion of clubs who operate in the northeast as well as a nationwide perspective.

Phoenix Training - Addiction and Connection to Treatment

Those enrolled in this course will learn the principles of trauma informed practices and how to have positive interactions with those suffering from substance use disorder. Practical skills such as engagement techniques, Naloxone administration and how to connect individuals to treatment options will also be taught. Those who complete this training will have a better understanding of the disease of addiction and how they can be part of someone’s recovery.

Social Networking

This course covers the essentials patrol officers, investigators, probation officers, School Resource Officers and anyone in the criminal justice system needs to know about social networking. Various types of crime are rooted in social networking activity. Drugs, scams, identity theft, flash mobs, sexting, sextortion, cyber bullying, even school shootings can be attributed to social media. This course will break down the elements of social networking, examine what information is collected and demonstrate what a great investigative/intelligence tool it can be.

Street Gang Investigations

This course explores the current trends, identifiers, and dynamics of street gang investigations. Understanding and identifying gang culture both on the street and in correctional facilities requires investigators from both local law enforcement and corrections to work together and share information. The intent of this course is to prepare officers in both large and small agencies to properly identify and interdict gang activity in their respective jurisdictions, collect and manage their gang intelligence, and communicate this information with neighboring jurisdictions and correctional facilities.

Tactical Narcotic Debriefings

This training course is designed to provide investigators with the skills necessary to obtain information regarding narcotics investigations through interviewing and interrogation in an ethical and legal framework. Investigators will learn the difference between interviews and interrogations, methods for establishing rapport, how to develop case-specific themes, proper room setup, the difference between an admission and a confession, and techniques to ensure the interview is conducted in a legal manner.

Tactics for Narcotic Warrants

This course focuses on the tactical techniques of high-risk warrant service. Through demonstration and practical application, students use a high-risk entry facility to practice entry, search, and extraction techniques taught throughout the course from decision-making through warrant execution.

Technology Threats and Trends Against Law Enforcement

Technology saturates our everyday lives. Yet, so many technologies are being developed with the specific purpose of targeting police officers or hiding criminal activity. This is a unique and eye-opening class for law enforcement personnel who want to learn more on how technologies are being used (or misused) to commit crimes, avoid or detect investigations, and to conduct counter surveillance. However, not only will this class examine and demonstrate how individuals are misusing these technologies, it will also reveal simple, inexpensive ways to mitigate their success as well as provide some investigative tips.

Trauma Management

This military-led familiarization course is designed to provide law enforcement officials with an overview of hands-on tactical first-aid techniques of select physical traumas and the associated treatment of injuries seen on dispatched scenes that can be executed as a team or by individual providers.