Northeast Counterdrug Training Center

Explore our courses to find the training you need. Upcoming training dates are listed at the bottom of each course description. COURSE LIST VIEW

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Law Enforcement Support Educators Military - Intel only Health Care Professionals Code Enforcement Community Based Organizations Community Memebers Counselors Attorneys

Tactical Narcotic Debriefings

This training course is designed to provide investigators with the skills necessary to obtain information regarding narcotics investigations through interviewing and interrogation in an ethical and legal framework. Investigators will learn the difference between interviews and interrogations, methods for establishing rapport, how to develop case-specific themes, proper room setup, the difference between an admission and a confession, and techniques to ensure the interview is conducted in a legal manner.

Technology Threats and Trends Against Law Enforcement

Technology saturates our everyday lives. Yet, so many technologies are being developed with the specific purpose of targeting police officers or hiding criminal activity. This is a unique and eye-opening class for law enforcement personnel who want to learn more on how technologies are being used (or misused) to commit crimes, avoid or detect investigations, and to conduct counter surveillance. However, not only will this class examine and demonstrate how individuals are misusing these technologies, it will also reveal simple, inexpensive ways to mitigate their success as well as provide some investigative tips.

Video Surveillance Techniques

This course is designed on the premise that participants have little or no experience with video. Students will be exposed to state-of-the-art video surveillance systems and will be offered the opportunity to use them in realistic “hands-on” scenarios.