NCTC History
Founded in 1999, in accordance with the provisions outlined in the Defense Appropriations Act, the Northeast Counterdrug Training Center (NCTC) is proud to announce the successful conclusion of its 19th year serving military, state, federal, and local law enforcement officials and community prevention specialists. The outpouring support from Congress, the Department of Defense, and law enforcement and anti-drug community leaders significantly and consistently contributes to NCTCs success.
Since its inception, NCTC has grown to offer more than 60 unique counterdrug training courses focusing on topics including operations and interdiction, interrogation, undercover operations, leadership, terrorism, intelligence, and drug demand reduction. Located at Fort Indiantown Gap in Annville, Pennsylvania, NCTC provides a modern, professional, and tactical-based environment for providing training opportunities, conferences, and planning sessions that are essential to the counterdrug community.
NCTC developed Mobile Training Teams (MTT) in 2007 in response to the growing demand for its specialized training. MTTs effectively deliver NCTC course offerings throughout the continental United States at no cost to the requesting agencies. This adaptive training technique led to an exponential increase of customers trained to fight against domestic and transnational drug trafficking organizations. NCTC is staffed with National Guard Soldiers and Airmen who provide professional, technical, and tactical support throughout the training year. NCTC instructors are subject-matter experts with extensive education and training backgrounds and proven successes.

DLC Classroom

Polygraph Exam Suite

HREF After-Action Room

